San Jose, CA to Burlington, Vt.
JetBlue Flights out of San Jose are twice daily to Burlington, VT...1:20 PM(arrive BVT 11:55PM) and 10:40 (red eye 10:48 AM)
One option for lodging is the Catamount Bed and Breakfast
Part of the Bed and Break fast is the Catamount Outdoor Family Recreation Center located in Williston, Vt. Directions from Airport
Other Options closer to downtown Burlington - Motel 6
Liberty Inn and Suites (3 miles from the airport)
Return from Quebec
Ferry from St.-Simeon to Riviere du Loop
website about 55 kilometers from Baei St. Paul. crossing time 65 minutes. CDN$5.40
Train from Riviere du Loop (Via Canada) Train leaves Riviere du Loop at 2:32 AM on Train 15. The train arrives in Montreal, QC at 8:15 AM. Total 5:43min. Problem is the bikes. ViaCanada wants the bikes packed, unlike Amtrack
Montreal Central Train Station is located at: 1030 Rue Mackay, Montreal, QC, Canada
Hostel is located at: 895 Rue de la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC, Canada
Google Directions from the Train Station to the Hostel
Train from Montreal to Plattsburgh, NY
Train is only $17 USD Amtrack Adirondack 68 leaves Montrea at 9:50 arrive Platsbursh 12:37 pm. Its 15 miles to Port Kent along the lake.
Google Directions to Port Kent

Take the ferry (Lake Champlain Transportation) over to Burlington and catch plane. The ferry leaves out of Port Kent to Downtown Burlington. Ferry rates are $4.70 plus $1 per bike.
The scheduled times to burlington in the Summer (until September 3) are: 2:15, 3:20, 4:45, 5:35
JetBlue Flights out of Burlington to SJC via NYC are at 6AM and 11:25 AM. every day.
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